Greed Lust Addiction Ravi Dabral review indian sites

Greed Lust Addiction by Ravi Dabral – Review

Ravi Dabral’s debut novel, Greed Lust Addiction, has been recently published and launched for the readers worldwide. This novel is apparently a blend of issues that we face in contemporary society. However, the twist comes with the introduction of a Yogi (or Sadhu or Sanyasi) referred to as Guruji. When the central protagonist fails on all fronts and loses hope, he is rescued by Guruji and then guided to lead a revolutionary plan to eradicate corruption and evils from society. In short, I will say that Greed Lust Addiction is a novel having something for readers of every age group – its story is thrilling and the theme is very interesting.

The plot in a nutshell:
It begins with the present. Vijay is introduced to the readers as a police inspector and we come to know of Suraj, Vijay’s elder brother who was an investigative journalist, who has died. Vijay tastes life as an inspector and is happy with the ‘usual way’ of corruption without any trouble. However, when he begins reading the diary of Suraj, he feels a change from within and tries to pursue, along with his girlfriend Sima, the sting operation that Suraj was into before his ‘death’. However, when the story takes turns, there are many surprises that the readers will find. With a mix of traditional with the modern, Ravi Dabral has created an amazing effect in this novel. Greed Lust Addiction has a perfect plot!

The theme at a glance:
It’s wide – material pursuits and commercial gains are directly put to contest spiritual pursuits and mental peace. The character Guruji influences other characters in many ways throughout the novel. Ravi has handled the smaller issues of life like wants of a wife, expectations of a family etc in a very subtle manner. The theme of spiritual pursuits is also very effectively dealt with in the novel.

My critical observation:
Though the novel is the debut one by this author, I must admit that he has touched the issues that seldom a new novelist would like to write about. So, Ravi Dabral deserves an applaud for that. The only issue I find which could make this novel even better is its language – the author has written this novel keeping a large audience base in his mind. Other things such as plot management and bringing the ideas home (in terms of concluding what one started) are fine.

Who should read this novel?
Like I reiterated in the very beginning, Greed Lust Addiction can be read by the readers of different age groups. It’s written in an easy language and the author has been vigilant enough not to leave any loopholes in the plot. ANYBODY CAN READ THIS NOVEL!

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Review by Amitesh for Active Reader

Greed Lust Addiction - Review
  • Active Reader Score


A very pleasant novel with positive energy and momentum… a good read for everyone!

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