Why do we celebrate Holi: Holi Festival by Anitha Rathod – Book Review

Why do we celebrate Holi Anitha Rathod Review

Book: Why do we celebrate Holi: Holi Festival
Author: Anitha Rathod
Pages: about 30
Published by: Self-published
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reviewed by: Surabhi for Active Reader

Anitha Rathod’s, the famous children writer from India, latest book for kids has a message, has the connectivity to keep the readers indulged and also have wonderfully designed graphics that convey the exact ideas – her book Why do we celebrate Holi: Holi Festival has

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Greed Lust Addiction by Ravi Dabral – Review

Greed Lust Addiction Ravi Dabral review indian sites

Ravi Dabral’s debut novel, Greed Lust Addiction, has been recently published and launched for the readers worldwide. This novel is apparently a blend of issues that we face in contemporary society. However, the twist comes with the introduction of a Yogi (or Sadhu or Sanyasi) referred to as Guruji. When the central protagonist fails on all fronts and loses hope, he is rescued by Guruji and then guided to lead a revolutionary plan to eradicate corruption and evils

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Mumtaz and Taj Mahal by Pravin Anand – Book Review

Mumtaz & Taj Mahal book review Pravin Anand

Pravin Anand’s historical fiction, Mumtaz and Taj Mahal, is one of those novels which do not take a lot of one’s time in reading but do provide all sorts of reading pleasure that a mainstream genre – romance or thriller, can deliver. I am saying this because I have read two novels in succession and let me tell you that Pravin’s book is not boring, not slow-moving and not a boring look back into the history thing. He has done

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Elephants in the Room – Suraj Laxminarayanan – Book Review

Elephants in the Room by Active Reader Review

Elephants in the Room is the latest edition of Indian crime thriller fiction. Written by Suraj Laxminarayanan, the novel has reached many readers since the publication in the month of October 2018. Elephants in the Room offers a theme which is not exactly new or unique. However, the way he has treated the theme of a bank robbery is certainly new to the readers. There are many robbers inside the same bank and before robbing the bank, they

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Amour – A Journey to find Love and Purpose of Life – Book Review

Amour a journey to find love life review

Book – Amour: A Journey to find Love and Purpose of Life
Author – Anshuman Kashyap
Publisher – Evincepub
First Published – 2018
Pages – 116
Suitable read for – youngsters who look for good romantic books with a deeper meaning rather than shallow erotica

Amour by Anshuman Kahsyap is indeed a journey which he takes to find his love as well as the meaning of love… and once he realises

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Sikkim in my Love Story by Narsing Nirzat – Book Review

Sikkim in My Love Story book review

Book – Sikkim in my Love Story
Author – Narsing Nirzat
Publisher – Notion Press
First Published – 2018
Pages – 325
Suitable read for – those who want to understand the beauty of Sikkim from outside and get inspired to visit this place

Well, this book – Sikkim in my Love Story, is a beautiful collection of short stories, 9 in numbers to be precise. This wonderful collection of picturesque

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A Dowryless Wedding – book review

A Dowryless Wedding book review

Book – A Dowryless Wedding
Author – Merlin Franco
Publisher – authors UPFRONT
First Published – 2018
Ideal for – Casual readers, occasional readers, regular readers as well

A Dowryless Wedding is a very alarming book (alarming in the sense very high at amusement, very pungent in satire and very sharp in observation aka realism) written by a debutant named Merlin Franco. An NRI, originally from the Southern body of India,

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American Maharajah

American Maharajah active reader review

Title: American Maharajah
Author: Mark Stephen Levy
Review by: Active Reader (Ravi)
Published: 2018, White Falcon Publishing
Rating: 3.7/5 stars
One-line-thought: More a literary fiction than a contemporary one

American Maharajah was the fourth book that I finished in the month of April 2018. While other books were too fast and somewhat abrupt, except the Anita Krishan’s Despite Stolen Dreams that I reviewed recently, American Maharajah was one sober and serious

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Despite Stolen Dreams

Despite Stolen Dreams Active Reader Review

Title: Despite Stolen Dreams
Author: Anita Krishan
Review by: Active Reader (Ravi)
Published: 2017, FingerPrint Publishers
Rating: 4/5 stars
One-line-thought: A contemporary classic, constructive fiction without a doubt


Hi friends! Hope you are having a good start to your week as I am writing this review in the midnight of Monday (academically, 1 AM on Tuesday). Sometimes, there is more in a fiction than mere fiction and Anita Krishan’s novel Despite Stolen

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