Vizag Blue – an immersive multi-dimensional tale by Anil CS Rao is launched

Vizag Blue Anil CS Rao book launch graphic novel

Readers, are you prepared to embark on the captivating journey presented by Anil’s newest graphic novel, brimming with assurances of an enthralling narrative? “Vizag Blue” stands as a gateway to a literary adventure that promises to transport readers across a myriad of dimensions, each more captivating than the last. As you eagerly turn the pages, be prepared to be swept away into a tapestry of diverse worlds, each intricately woven with layers of storytelling and visual splendour. Anil’s mastery in

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Hinduism in literature meets a new and different perspective – Kumar Dipanshu tells his story

Next 5000 years Kumar Dipanshu memoirs of a Hindu without a tag

Hinduism is the ocean that serves everyone who comes with a thirst – for knowledge, intellect, motivation or even cynicism (but it depends upon the interpretation of the seeker). There are millions of pages filled with the profound waves of mysticism, wisdom, devotion and mystery. However, recent Hinduism literature, with some bitter realities buzzing around, has more or less turned into a wake-up call or siren reinforcing the values and the ancient wisdom that are casually being insulted or subjected

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Self-publishing your book? Choose the best publisher!

Choose the best if you are self-publishing a book!

The best thing about self-publishing a book is that you trust your writing skills and you are ready to bet! Isn’t that a convincing enough idea to dive into the world of self-publishing and put your writing and convincing the readers skills to test? However, one has to be aware that there are many self-publishing companies that make so many false promises to their authors. When it comes to delivering on those promises made while agreeing on

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A Network for Self-publishing Enthusiasts – Join Now!

Self-publishing Network in India

There is a network for every possible need today. We have mobile networks, social networks, patient networks, doctor networks, investment networks and so on. So, the founding members of Self-publishing Network must have thought about a network for the authors who have already self-published or want to self-publish their works. And thus, the network came into online existence – an all-in-one solution centre for the authors and aspiring authors who want to know more about self-publishing in India

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Asmit Rathod – author of Life is a Bitch working on second novel now

Asmit Rathod author

In 2015, a novel hit the book market – Life is a Bitch. It featured the central character who is taken rather from the common society – Kumar. A guy with ambition but not a direction and then the life around him changes when he meets his fate – in a common civil society, things, even the tiny things, matter a lot. This is what the novelist of that debut novel, Asmit Rathod, wanted to tell his readers.

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