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The Guide

The Guide Book Review active reader

Book Title: The Guide
Author: R. K. Narayan
Review by: Active Reader
First Published: 1958
Edition Read: Indian Thought, 2011
Rating: 4/5 stars
One-line-thought: A novel which takes the eloping romance into a philosophical abyss


Hello, friends and readers of Active Reader book review blog! We are here with our very first review. We are going to review the classic Indian novel, The Guide, by R. K. Narayan. Certainly

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Fiction, Semi-fiction and Non-fiction – when to read what?

What kind of books do you like_FictionNon-fictionSemi-fiction

Have you ever come across a genre which might be called a semi-fiction? You might not; we have. We have come across several books which claim to be non-fictional titles but are, in fact, semi-fictitious books propagating certain fiction mixed with certain realism. That’s the genre we call semi-fiction. And believe it, that is the genre which will, sometimes, boggle your head!

Fiction and non-fiction are something we all know. We know how does a fiction

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Dear readers, a very pleasant welcome to all of you who have entered our website for the very early visits! We are live and we will be making things really great here. Active Reader is a team of awesome readers who use most of their time reading quality books and then spend their rest of the time writing about the books they read. So, our business is reading and writing!

More than that, we also

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