I-Spy: A Peep into the World of Spies is a classy non-fiction book by famous author Amit Bagaria who has written 10 books in quick succession and became popular among a certain section of readers of non-fiction books. In this book, the author has analysed the intelligence prowess of the countries that lead the world-order in terms of intelligence gathering and safeguarding one’s nation against internal and external threats by eliminating and marking the enemies. He has
…Blog Posts
Terrorism has become the biggest threat in the contemporary world. Though the threat of ‘Fat Boy’ has gone now because every nation has realised the consequences of war, the threat that looms above us is certainly terrorism. However, the fight against terrorism has become the subterfuge for many nations (like the USA) to grind their own selfish axes. Osama Bin Laden was one of the terrorists who terrorised the world for almost one decade after pushing the
…Background of the Book:
A distance from ‘truth’ can mislead you to a room of darkness that is often full of ignorance and, obviously, lies. Sometimes, the attempt is made deliberately because of our ideological or otherwise affiliations and sometimes it happens because we just want to roll with the status quo. The same is the condition with India’s history where much misinformation has been created to mislead the masses form the truth. However, there are
Haven’t read the book Greed Lust Addiction by Ravi Dabral yet? This article will tell you why you should read the book at the earliest before Ravi comes up with the next part of this title – on a broader canvas and with major issues. Ravi Dabral’s work comes up with a major theme – life with this vs life with that concept that can easily fit into any discourse. Ravi has delivered the narrative in an
…The best thing about self-publishing a book is that you trust your writing skills and you are ready to bet! Isn’t that a convincing enough idea to dive into the world of self-publishing and put your writing and convincing the readers skills to test? However, one has to be aware that there are many self-publishing companies that make so many false promises to their authors. When it comes to delivering on those promises made while agreeing on
…Whenever you think about either a spy movie or spy thriller novel, with the blink of eyes the first name you will recall is surely gonna be James Bond. Well, I am not here to put up a fight with the fans of Jason Bourne or Ethan Hunt. Neither am I here to hail-high his lordship, James Bond. However, James Bond’s fame is something that can seldom be matched by any other fictional characters! Ian Fleming, the novelist
…There is a network for every possible need today. We have mobile networks, social networks, patient networks, doctor networks, investment networks and so on. So, the founding members of Self-publishing Network must have thought about a network for the authors who have already self-published or want to self-publish their works. And thus, the network came into online existence – an all-in-one solution centre for the authors and aspiring authors who want to know more about self-publishing in India
…The Great Indian Bust by Rishabh Bhatnagar is the latest novel by him and it has been the talk among book lovers for a few weeks now. With a good rank on Amazon and good feedback on Goodreads, it was my turn to get a copy of this work and find out what’s inside. The full title of the novel is The Great Indian Bust: A Coming of Age Fiction and the subtitle clarifies many things at
Book: Tatva, Soul & Karma
Genre: Non-fiction, religious, spiritual
Author: Tanuj Lalchandani
Published in: 2019
Reviewed by: Amit for Active Reader Book Blog
Rating: 5/5 Stars
I really love reading spiritual books and those are the closest to my heart. The best thing about spiritual books is that they just don’t provide reading pleasure but also a lot of information can be found in spiritual books. Out of many spiritual books I have
…In an interview, Ravi Dabral, the author of Greed Lust Addiction, the bestselling debut novel by him, said that he believes in writing fiction that can help his readers on many fronts. The first is by developing a reading habit and the second is that his writings are aimed at inspiring the readers to lead a ‘virtuous and stress-free life.’ Can an author make this happen? The answer is very much yes if the author truly aims at